Nayyars Solicitors
Delivering Website Traffic for Family, Employment & Immigration Law
Nayyars Solicitors had a website that needed more visitors. Strawberry Forge delivered an organic marketing strategy that increased website users fourfold by establishing high-value keyword rankings.
When Nayyars Solicitors first contacted Strawberry Forge, they had recently opened a new practice and wished to develop more case work for their Family, Employment and Immigration Departments. Nayyars identified that their website could be a powerful tool for achieving these goals, but that it did not currently deliver much in the way of traffic or leads.
While Nayyars worked with another agency to optimise their website for lead generation, Strawberry Forge was tasked with increasing the number of users the site attracted. With Nayyars looking for sustainable results, we elected to implement a keyword-targeted content marketing strategy, publishing a new blog each week, across their departments.
While website traffic was initially slow to increase, within six months Strawberry Forge had established top rankings for competitive keywords. From this point website traffic increased rapidly, until over 56% of page views were generated by Strawberry Forge blogs alone. The drastic increase in both website traffic and keyword rankings can be seen in the stats below.

One of the key metrics of success for our work with Nayyars Solicitors was whether our digital marketing was increasing the number of website users. It makes sense, then, to look at overall website traffic and how that changed over time.
As we can see from Graph 1 website traffic remained relatively static in the first four months, with only marginal gains each month. This is fairly typical of an organic blogging strategy, as it takes around a month to produce and publish the first blogs, and a further two to three months for search engines to crawl and begin to rank the content.
We can see that by month five, though, new rankings began to develop (Graph 3). Most importantly, the keyword rankings were in strong positions, as shown by the growth of keyword rankings in positions one to three (Graph 4).
It is these top rankings that resulted in the rapid increases in website traffic shown from month five onwards, which ultimately led to website traffic more than quadrupling in just 18 months.
Of course, website traffic can be generated across a variety of channels. Therefore, to confirm the effectiveness of our organic marketing strategy, we must look specifically at organic website traffic.
As we can see from Graph 2, organic website traffic growth followed the same trend as total website traffic growth, just with slightly more pronounced results.
This, along with the drastic growth in estimated traffic generated by keyword rankings (Graph 5) demonstrates that it was Strawberry Forge’s organic marketing strategy that stimulated the large growth in website traffic.
Strategy Highlights
Featured Snippets
When Strawberry Forge began working with Nayyars Solicitors, none of the blogs or website pages had generated feature snippets for the site on Google. Now Nayyars has over half a dozen featured snippets for high-value keywords.
Multi-Ranking Blogs
Every blog Strawberry Forge writes is targeted to a single keyword, but that doesn’t mean they can’t rank for more. In Nayyars’ case many of our blogs ranked for dozens of keywords, with some attracting more that 90 rankings each.
Content Longevity
Strawberry Forge implemented an organic marketing strategy so results would last. We achieved this, with blogs that were written months or even years ago still consistently leading the way each month when it comes to visitors and engagement.
Want to Discuss Your Marketing?
Think an organic content marketing strategy could form an important part of your business’s digital marketing moving forward? Get in touch today to book a free digital workshop and learn more about how Strawberry Forge could help you.